In early 2021, Netflix showed the animated series Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, which told about the zombie outbreak in the White House. However, the new Resident Evil series will be a live production of Constantin Film; The company that rebooted Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City and recently released it on the big screen. Resident Evil tells the story of the children of Albert Wesker, one of the antagonists of the series, who reveal the secrets of the city when they get to New Raccoon City; Secrets on which, probably, everything will end.
The series will not go down in the history of any series of video games and will tell a completely new story in two different terms. The first chronicle tells of Jade and Billy Wesker, the 14-year-old daughters of Albert Wesker, who live in New Raccoon City and are suddenly in danger. The second timeline is the future, 16 years after the first, when the T virus infected most people and only 16 million survivors remained on Earth. In this timeline, Jade is 30 years old and she is trying to survive in a world full of mutant monsters.
Wesker’s role in Resident Evil is played by Lance Radick, best known for his role in John Wick’s films. Other actors include Ella Balinska, Charlie’s Angels, Tamara Smart, Artemis Fowl, Sina Agudang, F9 (Fast and Furious 9), Adelina Rudolf. He mentioned “Sabrina’s Favorite Adventures” and Paul Nunez, the stars of “Bad Guys for Life”.